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Prime TV has described action by Patriotic Front (PF) to send journalist away from their function as unfortunate, undemocratic and totalitarian.

In a press statement, Prime TV Director Gerald Shawa said it was unfortunate for PF to chase a journalist from their function especially that it is a ruling party.

Mr. Shawa said it disappointing for a ruling party to behave unlawfully when they should be leading by example in legal matters.

He said the ruling party failed the Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) Complaint Procedure which calls for an offended party to tender a formal complaint to the broadcasting institution.

“It is sad that you opted to ignore the Independent Broadcast Authority Complaint Procedure which requires one to tender a formal complaint to a broadcast institution,” said Mr. Shawa.

The Prime TV Director said the action by PF is a serious indictment on the freedom of the media and that it would subject media practitioners to unwarranted political attacks.

Meanwhile, PF Media Director Sunday Chanda said PF Secretary Davies Mwila met with Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) Zambia to discuss the relationship between Prime TV and PF.

Mr. Chanda said the meeting was honest and successful, and that MISA will continue engaging both the ruling party and Prime TV to find a common ground.

He said PF will also reflect on its manifesto to build upon its record as a champion of vibrant media institutions.

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