XYZ crew members have condemned the sentiments by Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo on Daev Zambia’s death.
XYZ founder Slapdee wrote on his Facebook page saying;
” I’ve heard people say bad things about this guy and never really bothered to do research why. In my head it was people talking “about a public figure as usual” but this…. this really hit a nerve.
Too soon Mr Minister…. too soon. That’s all I can say. Relax your tongue sir. One day your words will bite you”.
Meanwhile, crew CEO Bobby East wrote;
” XYZ notoriously stays out of politics…. politicians should follow our lead and not talk about us especially regarding a recent departed brother…. I’m very young but even I know that you don’t speak ill of the dead…
And Nez Long wrote;
” The clout chase in this country is so disgusting sometimes”.
This is after an audio of the minister’s interview on Hot FM’s Hot Seat Program for October 2, 2020 circulated.
This was in the minister response to a question about empowering artists with regards to how their lives are being lost.

The minister claimed to have witnessed the incident leading to Daev Zambia’s death and said he was careless on the road and emphasized the need to avoid drinking while driving.