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Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) has arrested a 44 year-old Lusaka businessman for forgery.

Christopher Banda, 44, on dates unknown but between 1st April, 2017 and 31st December, 2017 obtained credit by false pretense and money laundering contrary to the laws of Zambia.

DEC Public Relations Officer Theresa Katongo stated that the Mr. Banda intended to defraud a named bank by forging a report and valuation document for a property situated on Stand No. 718 in Kabulonga Extension in Lusaka.

Mr. Banda Director of MNS Global World Limited inflated the property which was valued at K1.4 million to K11.4 million and forged the signature for the Director at a named valuation company purporting that the said Director signed on the valuation report when in fact he had not.

The DEC Public Relations Officer stated that the said documents were uttered to a named bank loan officer and obtained a loan of K4 million by false pretenses.

She further added that the suspect has been released on Police bond and will appear in court soon.

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