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HomeNewsUNZAMEDIA veep to represent Zambia at African Youth Forum

UNZAMEDIA veep to represent Zambia at African Youth Forum

University of Zambia Media Students Association Vice President Valentine Mundea has been nominated to represent the country at this years’ African Youth Forum in Ivory Cost. University of Zambia Media Students Association Vice President Valentine Mundea has been nominated to represent the country at this years’ African Youth Forum in Ivory Cost.

The event will be held in Abidjan from 22nd to 24th May, 2015 under the theme“Empowering and equipping young Africans to take ownership of the post-2015 sustainable development goals.”  

In an interview with the Lusaka Star, Valentine Mundea said the nomination is a surprise to him and representing Zambia at such a high level forum has given him hope of a better future for an African youth.

Mr. Mundea, who is also a fourth year Mass Communication student, said this is the time to tap into a broad range of ideas in coming up with solutions for Africa.

He has since advised the youth to be creative in order to provide a service which will have a meaningful impact on both the personal and national developmental endeavors.

 The forum will be hosted by World Bank Group- International Monetary Fund Young African Society (YAS) with a view to engaging with young Africans on the continent and around the world to support a youth driven platform that promotes the participation and inclusion of young Africans in ending extreme poverty by 2030.

It will focus on education, employment and entrepreneurship.

“The forum will serve as a groundbreaking platform for Africa’s  youths to present the state of their respective demographic, propose solutions to their biggest problems and engage with the international development community, private sector and policy makers that are pivotal in shaping their future,”

“These young minds will be fully immersed in a three-day process of introspection, problem solving and critical thinking that we hope will generate impactful dialogue, ideas for scalable, implementable, sustainable projects and published reports,” read part of the forum goals by YAS.

YAS added that the youth will also be in charge of monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the final solutions and projects in their countries.

This will be the second African Youth Forum by YAS  but the first to be held on the continent, the first having been in Washington D.C.

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