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The University of Zambia (UNZA) has postponed its results publication date from January 20, 2021 to January 27, 2021.

University of Zambia Student Union (UNZASU) Vice President Gregory Chisha said the postponement has been made in order to give lecturers ample time to appropriately grade the exam scripts. 

We have deferred exams that have just started today. So, not until all these things are we going to see the results on the 27th. The opening dates still stand. Nothing has been changed unless otherwise and if such changes are made then the student populace will be updated,

Mr. Chisha said.

Mr. Chisha has since urged students to remain patient as the academic calendar will still run as planned.

However, the announcement was received with mixed feelings from students.

James Banda, a 5th year student in the School of Agriculture said the move by management to move the results release date is good as it gives students ample time to prepare for the next academic year.

I hope even the opening date is moved because we need time to prepare our money and our minds to rest a bit,

Mr. Banda said.

Meanwhile, Gabriela Tembo, a 3rd year student in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences said the move by management is a bad as it only creates more anxiety in students.

They can’t expect us to be seated at home waiting for results we know aren’t even good,

Ms. Tembo said.
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