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Upcoming artists have complained that it’s difficult for them to feature renowned artists because they overcharge them.

They have also complained that not being given the space and place to feel they are needed in the industry is also another challenge.

In an interview with Lusaka Star, Chilufya Makasa musically known as Super Chilu expressed that overcharging by renowned musicians when requested to feature in a song has proved to be a big challenge.

“These established artists charge us a lot of money which we cannot afford to pay because we are not stable financially,” Super Chilu said.

“Bambi balikwata ama cheeky sana (some are very rude, they are not welcoming at all,” said super chilu.

Super Chilu also added that there is lack of promotion by radio stations in playing local music throughout the country.

He added that, “We are conditioned to pay a certain amount for these local radio stations to play our music while they play international music for free.”

And Chuulu Mudenda, alias Chulu Ackres  another upcoming artist said promoting and advertising there music is a challenge because of the lack of finances.

“Music is trending and we need to invest in it in order to market ourselves, that proves to be a greater challenge otherwise,” said Chulu.

Meanwhile Petersen (Mukumesa Mundia) refuted the complaints by upcoming artists stating that upcoming artists are noted overcharged.

Petersen observed that for upcoming artists he has worked with, he listens to their tracks to determine talent which is the determinant in deciding whether to work with them or not.

“Everyone says they can sing but when you listen to what they have done that’s where you are able to tell whether you can invest your time and resources in working with a person,” said Petersen.

He also pointed out that upcoming musicians usually want to work with an artist when they hear him making buzz or when they hear that the artist is happening and releasing an album.

“Business sense is that you cannot make another song that should hinder your music at the time that you are pushing your music,” said Petersen.

Petersen further encouraged the upcoming artists to be humble as they are going in the industry because no one wants to work with an artist who will give them a headache.

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