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UNZA clinic thin on essential medicines,appeals to ZAMMSA

The University of Zambia (UNZA) clinic has appealed to Zambia Medicines & Medical Supplies Agency (ZAMMSA) to increase the supply of medicine to the health facility.

In an interview, Senior Pharmacy Technologist, Humphrey Mambwe said ZAMMSA should consider supplying medicine to the clinic on a weekly basis rather than after a few months.

“ZAMMSA is providing a certain amount of medicines to the clinic, however, it is insufficient to cater for the entire student populace,” he said.

“ZAMMSA mostly supplies Antiretroviral (ARV)s drugs and other medicines that are usually sent after a few months.”

He said the clinic is primarily funded by UNZA, Non-Governmental Organisations(NGO)s and other institutions such as National Health Insurance Management Authority (NHIMA).

Mr. Mambwe also bemoaned the lengthy procedures of procuring medicines thereby causing anomalies to the operations of the clinic.

“If ZAMMSA starts providing a sufficient amount of medicines to the clinic, it will help us ensure that the entire student populace is carted for,” he said.

The Ministry of Heath increased funding to ZAMMSA from K4.6 billion in 2023 to about K4.9 billion in 2024.

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