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HomeNewsVoter registration slated for 14th September

Voter registration slated for 14th September

The Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) has set September 14th as the day for commencement of new voter registration, amendments to existing voter details and removal of the deceased. The Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) has set September 14th as the day for commencement of new voter registration, amendments to existing voter details and removal of the deceased.
ECZ Chairperson Justice Esau Chulu said ECZ has suspended the voter registration exercise in Lubanseshi and Solwezi West due to local government elections in nine constituencies from 21st to 27th September, 2015.
Mr. Chulu said this at Mulungushi International Conference Center when giving an update on voter registration.
He added that ECZ encouraged the youth to register as  voters for them to be eligible to vote in the 2016 tripartite elections.
“We have decided to allow any person that will turn 18 years by 31st July, 2016 to register as a voter," he said.
Mr. Chulu said the Department of National Registration, Passports and Citizenship (DNRPC) commenced the second phase of mobile registration on  4th September, 2015 and is scheduled to finish on 11th of November, 2015.
“The second phase which will cover Eastern, Lusaka, Southern and Western provinces will not be completed because it will delay the third phase for a month which is Copper belt, Luapula and North-Western province,” he explained.
Mr. Chulu also said there will be no extension of voter registration in any province.
He elaborated that ECZ will conduct a 14days voter registration in March 2016 to cater for the Zambians that will obtain their national registration cards (NRC) after the 11th November, 2016.
And Operation Young Vote Executive Director  Guess Nyirenda commended ECZ for considering the concerns of stakeholder in the first meeting held on the 12th August, 2015.
Mr. Nyirenda said he is happy that ECZ has done away with the extension of voters’ registration in Luapula, Copperbelt and North western.
He noted   that ECZ stands out compared to other electoral managements in other African countries.

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