University Of Zambia HIV/AIDS Peer Educators Association has urged other HIVAIDS educators to sensitize the public on all the ways the disease can be transmitted. University Of Zambia HIV/AIDS Peer Educators Association has urged other HIVAIDS educators to sensitize the public on all the ways the disease can be transmitted.
Association Secretary General Nkana Lubunga told the Lusaka Star in an interview that HIV is rapidly spreading through other methods other than sex.
“These days, some people think HIV is only spread through unprotected sex with an infected person because of how the sensitization is done,’’ he observed.
Mr. Lubunga explained that there are many ways HIV can be spread such as sharing of unsterilized instruments, organ transplants and Mother to child to transmission that are rarely mentioned.
“People share sharp unsterilized instruments anyhow without thinking of how it puts them at risk of contracting HIV,” he noted.
Mr. Lubunga added that the Peer Educators Association he is spear heading will ensure it sensitizes people on all possible ways one can catch the virus.
He said the association will also educate other members of the public apart from the UNZA community.
He said the association will emphasise on the risk of contracting HIV in ways other than sex in order to raise awareness.
Most UNZA students spoken to have embraced the move taken by the Peer Educators association stating that it will play a vital role in combating the spread of the disease.
UNZA Student Melina Musonda said sensitization is very important as people tend to share sharp instruments such as needles which spread the infection.
“If the HIV/AIDS is to be combated, children in schools should also be educated on all the ways in which HIV can be spread, ” she suggested.
Ephasise on other ways of contracting HIV-UNZA HIV Peer Educator