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The Curriculum Specialist of Zambia has revealed that it will not change the curriculum and realign it with the COVID-19 situation in the country.

Curriculum Specialist of Zambia Founder Robert Simukoko said the curriculum cannot be abruptly revised or changed.

It is not easy to change the curriculum but if considerations are done, it will merge the existing content to the new one,

Mr. Simukoko

Mr. Simukoko noted that the country’s curriculum changes every five years and it is not being changed at the moment.  

In Zambia, it takes at least five years to be revise the curriculum and this is done at the level of the development of learners,

Mr. Simukoko

Mr. Simukoko added that if considerations are made, the body will look into integrating the necessary topics and subjects.

This comes after The Zambia National Education Coalition (ZANEC) called on relevant authorities to align the country’s educational curriculum. 

ZANEC Executive Director George Hamusunga said the change in the curriculum is due to limited time for learners annually.

Currently, learners have five hundred and forty hours of learning as opposed to the required eight hundred hours per year hence the need to change the curriculum,  

Mr. Hamusunga

Mr. Hamusunga added that with the compression of the time learners are spending in schools, changing the curriculum to relevant topics and subjects is ideal.

In the quest for schools to observe the stipulated guidelines, learners spend less hours in schools hence the need to impart them with knowledge on the pandemic,

Mr. Hamusunga.
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