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HomeBusinessMtendere traders bemoan inadequate garbage collection

Mtendere traders bemoan inadequate garbage collection

TRADERS at Mtendere Khazimai Market have complained about the inadequate collection of garbage at the market by the Lusaka city council (LCC). TRADERS at Mtendere Khazimai Market have bemoaned the inadequate collection of garbage at the market by the Lusaka city council (LCC).

But LCC acting public relations manager Habenzu Mulunda urged the traders to pay more money if they  wanted frequent collection of garbage. 

In an interview with the Lusaka star, a charcoal trader Boyd Chibwe at the market said the garbage which was dumped next to his stand produced a bad smell and was a health risk.

Mr. Chibwe said even though the smell scared some of his customers away and choked him, he had no choice but continue selling next to a heap of garbage as his business was his only source of income.

He said LCC engaged a company to collect garbage once a week but it was not enough because the market was big and the traders were many.

“I wish the council could double the collection of garbage from this market. This waste is too much. However, I am forced to stay here because I have nowhere else to go to, this stand is all I have. I ignore the stench from the garbage even though it is horrible because selling charcoal here is my only means of survival,” he said.

Another trader John Mulenga said the garbage was a health hazard to the community.

Mr. Mulenga who sells chickens next to the heap of garbage said traders threw a lot of things such as waste from restaurants, rotten vegetables and beer packs.

He complained that rubbish piled up and stunk especially when watered down by the rains.

But LCC acting public relations manager said traders had to pay more money if garbage collection was to be made more frequent.

Mr. Mulunda said waste had to be paid for by its generators so as to pay the company that the council had contracted to do the work.

He said at the moment, money paid by the traders could only cater for once per week garbage collection from the market.

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