The church has the moral duty to protect life from the moment of conception till death and tries to ensure that one lives a dignified life. SOME clergymen in Lusaka have supported the move by National Aids Council chairperson Dr Joshua Banda, to encourage their congregants to take scientific treatment for healing.
Bishop Joshua Banda, overseer of Northmead Assemblies of God, was quoted on Hot FM News on November 6th 2013, warning all clergies to desist from discouraging people on Anti-Retroviral Treatment to abandon treatment and entirely depend on spiritual healing.
UCZ Lusaka Province Bishop Rogwell Chomba said ARVs are encouraged in his church in order to prolong the lives of HIV positive people.
“I would not want to see people dying when there are drugs to help them extend their lives,” he said.
Bishop Chomba emphasized that God should not be put in a box or ignored because He is the creator of people who come up with scientific drugs capable of healing diseases such as AIDs.
“If he made a donkey talk in the bible, why can’t He make use of people to manufacture drugs?” he asked.
He added that he would encourage people infected with HIV to use condoms so as to reduce multiple infections.
However, he condemned the use of condoms for HIV negative and unmarried couples because it promotes promiscuity.
And Roma Catholic Church Parish Priest, Clement Chubuta said, the church has moral duty to protect life from the moment of conception till death and tries to ensure that one lives a dignified life.
Fr. Chibuta noted that the church has organizations such as Home Based Care, and its responsibility among others is to provide services for the HIV positive patients.
Fr. Chubuta said there is need to have holistic approach to life that is spiritual, physical, social and emotional.
He explained that a spiritual problem requires prayer while physical sickness requires physical healing.
“Therefore in the case of HIV, one needs physical healing which will require the patient to take ARVS in order to boost his/her immune system,” he said.
Fr. Chubuta noted that ARVs are encouraged in church as long as they are not against the love of God.
He explained that the use of condoms and other methods of contraceptives that prevent conception are not encouraged in the Catholic doctrine.
Fr Chubuta has since challenged Christians that are engaging in sexual activities outside marriage to abstain from such acts as it is a sin.
Lusaka clergy speaks out on ARVs and Condom use