Young people can influence decisions and contribute to a better world by protecting and safeguarding the future generations says Council of Churches in Zambia (CCZ) Secretary General Suzanne Matale. Young people can influence decisions and contribute to a better world by protecting and safeguarding the future generations says Council of Churches in Zambia (CCZ) Secretary General Suzanne Matale.
Rev. Matale was speaking when she officiated the Zambia Youth Climate Change Forum (ZYCCF), Climate Justice programme at Lusaka’s Serenity Lodge.
Rev. Matale who celebrated the army of youths who put together their efforts for climate justice said faith was about believing and trusting that if you act – you can achieve.
She said as a church mother body in Zambia who are committed to achieving the goal of climate justice, CCZ would give maximum support to the young people.
Rev. Matale further said CCZ shares a deep-held belief that the young people are the pillars of development and thus should take center stage in influencing decisions.
"We all know that the greatest army is one which believes in its young combatants ready for battle and victory," Rev. Matale said.
Rev. Matale said the event sent home a message that the young people of Zambia are just not ordinary people but young people of faith on a mission to act.
She further noted that the demands of climate justice are not for the faint hearted and that they demanded high levels of commitment and sustained advocacy at all levels.
And ZYCCF Chairperson Evans Tembo said youths have clear demands which included commitment to a fair ambitious and legally binding agreement to ensure the survival of future generations.
Mr. Tembo revealed that ZYCCF has set clear long and short term target for carbon emission reductions, which are among the causes of global warming.
He further recommended that there was need for adequate finances for adaptation in Africa and that these finances should come from historically polluting nations.
Youths key in climate change fight – Susanne Matale