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Many gave him strong uncertainty for his transition from secular to gospel music but Christ’s Emmie is delighted in his faith in Christ and stands to prove  the masses wrong.

Christ’s Emmie, formally known as Emmie Routs said his conversion from secular to gospel music was not an easy task directed by his Lord as many fellow Christians and fans did not trust in him but assumed he would return to secular music as other artists have done.

“Many people, including gospel artists thought I would not make it because they had the idea I will be that kind of a musician who tries to attract attention and later go back to secular music.

“Deep inside me, I felt that the Holy Spirit had called upon me to save lost souls and everything about me changed…I am a new creation and God wiped away everything that I acquired through the devil and I can feel that I am saving a lost soul through my current music,” he said.

Being in secular does not necessarily mean one is aiding the devil, but certain things blind spot  a person in that they only want to please the world and forget to satisfy and thank their creator for the special gift of life he gave them, He told the Lusaka Star Reporter.

“I misled many people as I believe I divided the nation when I did the Amafacts song, many people took worldly things as the facts, but God gave me this talent of singing to use it in a righteous way and show that he is the only fact.

“What I experienced during that period could have led me to lose my soul to the devil, I felt like people started worshiping me due to the way I was celebrated and I stopped going to church because almost every weekend I was out for performances, “He explained.

The artist said the song was not evil, but that the emphasis now is  that ‘Jesus is the fact and truth’ in his and everyone’s life.

He said gospel music has a lot of challenges as many shows are done for free in the name of the Lord, only a little offerings from few people compared to secular where any show you hold is a must be paid performance.

“I must say that many friends ran away from the new me. I am unable to make money compared to secular artists, but I still cannot be let down with these challenges am facing in gospel music work…with the little am finding am able to meet my needs and most importantly, am able to win lost souls,” stated Emmie.

He said he feels free in serving the Lord and has decided to change his name from Emmie Routs as he was famously known to Christ’s Emmie as he is for Christ now and forever he shall be.

The singer changed from singing secular music to gospel in 2010 and still stands strong in the faith and nothing at this edge of life can bring him back to please any human being despite many temptations he is facing in his daily situations.

He did four albums while in the secular music circle of which only two songs  titled ‘Takwaba ukupola’ and ‘Amafacts’ hit the market and were nominated for Ngoma Awards.

He currently has two gospel music albums titled ‘Jesus is the Fact’ and the other ‘More Grace’.

Christ’s Emmie is currently working on a project called Great Grace Promotions where he helps upcoming gospel musicians in shooting and editing their video songs for free in Kabwe, and in many other ways get them well established in preaching the word of God through Music.

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