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Unza radio through Mutute Nsanga’nyi clinched silver in the male chess category with DEC getting first position.

This was in the just ended Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) media interactive sports tournament held in participation with the Zambia Correction Service(ZCS) on Saturday.

Among the games played were football, chess, pool and netball in which Unza radio football and netball teams came out fourth.

Muvi Tv came out first in male soccer while ZCS came out second and fortunately for them, first position in the female netball category seconded by Bank of Zambia.

And first position in the pool category was scooped by DEC while Zambia Correctional Service got away with silver.

Media Teams that took  part were DEC, ZNBC, Zambia Daily Mail, Prime Tv, Daily  Nation, Diamond Tv, Radio Phoenix, Bank of Zambia, Zambia Correction Service and the Lusaka Media team.

The tournament is the first ever to be held by DEC in partnership with the Zambia Correction Service as a way of engaging media practitioners on various interventions being put in place by the two institutions.

“The tournament we are having today is one such activity and it is my hope that it will allow for maximum Interaction and information sharing for the betterment of our country,” said Kelvin Silwimba, DEC Deputy Commissioner.

He added that the focus of the tournament is not the competition or awards to be attained but the collaboration that will arise from the event.

The event was part of the DEC drug demand reduction strategy which was aimed at reducing public demand for illicit drugs through implementation of various information, education and communication activities.

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