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HomeBusinessUNZASEITA to launch the ‘She Entrepreneur Committee’ project

UNZASEITA to launch the ‘She Entrepreneur Committee’ project

The project aims to encourage female entrepreneurship The University of Zambia Student Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Technological Association (UNZASEITA) set to launch the She Entrepreneur Committee project.

Association secretary, Joseph Ng’ambi, told the Lusaka Star that the association will partner with United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Zambia Development Agency (ZDA), DOT.COM Zambia, NYAMUKA Zambia and many other institutions to boost the initiative to encourage students in creating employment.

“Our aim is to change the mindset of students from that of waiting to be employed by government to one of creating employment for themselves and others instead,” Mr. Ng’ambi said.

He added that members of the association would be sent to various companies on entrepreneurial basis to be acquainted with business management and economic growth.

He added that the formation She Entrepreneur Committee formally known as The Women’s League Committee is in a bid to help female entrepreneurs undergo  business training.

“The new project is aimed at helping vibrant female entrepreneurs on how to start and grow a business,” Mr. Ng’ambi said.

He also noted that the association would on Wednesday.9, 2015 hold talks with DOT.COM Zambia CEO, Lulu Haangala at The University of Zambia (UNZA) to discuss further activities the association could  involve in.

He has since urged students at the institution to participate in the project as it was open to all interested parties.

The sponsors of the project is PEPSI and Pizza Hut Zambia.

Meanwhile, UNZASEITA, have been nominated for the Student Association Awards to held  in Kenya next year.

The nomination came after Africa Youths carried out the “We as an association do not aim to get employed but to create employment” study on the association.

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