Record-high and rising prices for mealie-meal in Zambia are the result of distortion and a matter of “grave concern,” according to Information Minister Dora Siliya.
This is a clear case of price distortion by unscrupulous retailers who wish to enjoy abnormal profits at the expense of ordinary Zambians.
Information Minister Dora Siliya
Agriculture Minister Micheal Katambo will meet major outlets to address the problem, she said.
Government will not stand by and watch the staple food go out of reach of ordinary Zambians.
Ms Dora Siliya
The country is experiencing the worst drought in almost 40 years, and a report last month by the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) forecast 2.3 million people will be food insecure by March. Over the same period, the report forecast Zambia would have an 888,000-tonne maize deficit.
The worst-affected regions in the country are Western and Southern provinces.

The government says it has enough maize to last until the next season and won’t need to import.