Before taking her to the guard room, they took the opportunity of posing for photos with a defenceless naked sex worker. As she was lying on the ground, one particular monk took her legs and spread them apart so that he could enjoy the “view” as his friends took pictures of them. There were three monks coming from the centre after a drinking spree. As approached Africa Hostels, they heard some noise from one of the cars in the car park. They decided to check what was happening and fortunately or unfortunately, they saw people having sex in the car.
Alcohol and free pornography! Naturally, the monks were excited and decided to disturb the duo. “imwe! Finshi mulechita umo mu motoca, tamulemona ati nabwila ninshita iyaku lala? Mulepangechongo fumeni apa, (You! What are you doing in that car, can’t you see that it’s time to sleep? You are making noise. Get out of here!),” they shouted as they banged on the car door.
They managed to open the door and the half-naked monk tried to protect the sex worker but he was overpowered and he ran away. The monks dragged the half-naked sex worker out of the car and stripped her naked before dragging her into the Africa Hostels.
As they were dragging her, they beat her up shouting “Imwe amahule nimwebo mule paisha aba monku ba pano! Wamona akusenda ku Mayela akulya amahala abutuka nokubutuka. Ta lipile! Ulelala ku security lelo! (You prostitutes are the ones killing male students here. Have you seen, he picked you up from Mayela, had sex with you for free and ran away. He won’t pay! You are sleeping at the guard room today!).”
Before taking her to the guard room, they took the opportunity of posing for photos with a defenceless naked sex worker. As she was lying on the ground, one particular monk took her legs and spread them apart so that he could enjoy the “view” as his friends took pictures of them.
As they were having their fun, some monks came out of their rooms and stood at their balconies shouting “leta kuno naifwe tulyeko! (Bring her here we also have sex with her).
One gentlemonk came and convinced the rest of them to take her to the guard room where she could seek some refuge. He took off his shirt and gave it to her to wear before he ushered her to the guard room. OH! What a gentlemonk!
She was interrogated by UNZA Octopus (Guards) and later taken to Handsworth Police Station.
Monks pose for photos with naked sex worker