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Minister of Health Chitalu Chilufya has disclosed that his ministry has not recorded any new cases of Covid 19 since the first two that were reported yesterday.

“Today we would love to report that we have not received any new cases and further the two cases that tested positive are stable and recuperating well,” he said at a media briefing today.

Dr. Chilufya further said government through its routine travel disease intelligence has screened 29,992 travellers with 2,258 person’s being from high risk areas.

Among those screened from high risk areas, 460 have been cleared under the 14 days quarantine watch.

Dr. Chilufya added that his ministry will continue to investigate alerts as they arise.

And Dr. Chilufya has announced that all bars and night clubs will only operate for two hours with immediate effect in the wake of the coronavirus that has hit the country.

Dr. Chilufya reiterated the need for all public places to have hand washing facilities.

Meanwhile, National Guidance and Religious Affairs Minister Godfridah Sumaili said all church services and activiities should not last for more than one hour.

Reverend Sumaili said church conferences have been suspended and that church leaders should ensure that there is a minimal number of congregants attending services.

She said churches should adhere to the strict hygiene standards put in place by the Ministry of Health.

And Commerce and Trade Minister Christopher Yaluma said government will not block the inflow of goods at border posts in the country as it has put in place effective screening mechanisms.

“Zambia is highly dependent on imports and as such if we were to do anything as regards to the inflow of cargo by air and road, we will be doing a serious disruption to the flow of goods in the country thereby impacting greatly on our trade,” he said.

Mr. Yaluma disclosed that manufacturing industries and retail chain-stores will be engaged to work hand in hand with government to avoid unnecessary impedements along the supply chain.

He has since urged members of the public not to panic and buy food in bulk.

Meanwhile, Minister of Water Development, Sanitation and Environmental Protection, Dennis Wanchinga said his ministry has instructed all water utility companies not to disconnect water supply to all households.

He said the ministry will ensure that there is a continous supply of water in homes to be sustained for atleast 24 hours.

“We are going to also work closely with our men and women in uniform through Zambia National Service to help us provide water to every household,” Dr. Wanchinga said.

Since the outbreak of Covid-19, 34 African countries, have recorded 306 cases with the death toll standing at 16.

A total of 220,109 cases have since been reported globally with 8,982 deaths recorded.

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