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The University of Zambia Student Union (UNZASU) says the charge for the Fresher’s Bash tickets Was due to a tight budget.

UNZASU Minister of Information, Research and Employment Chingumbe Mukube said  the money that students were paying did not even amount to the money required to pay the musicians that were hired to perform.

Mukube said the union fee that is paid together with the tuition  fees is meant for projects such as sanitation and rehabilitation of the library and not such events as the fresher’s bash.

He said the money obtained from ticket sales  is meant to lessen the amount the union is going to spend and that it cannot suffice to the total charges.

“It is not like we want to make the students pay to see the musicians, but we want to share the cost with them,” Mukube  said.
He further disclosed that there are two types of shows; the Freshers’ Bash and the Social Cultural day, where no charge is taken from the latter but, from the recreation fee.

And UNZASU Minster of Social and Mobilization Kennedy Mwansa said the money for the freshers’ bash tickets is going to be used for any unplanned outcomes after the event.

“There are things that the K20 you pay have to subsidize for…as you know that at UNZA students have [unlawful] behavior, so for any event there is need to be security. In fact, some of the expenses are going to be met by the same money you pay,” he said

Mwansa also said that during last years’ freshers bash, there was unlawful behavior which was characterized by students throwing bottles and fighting, adding that this year’s event needed to  have tightened security.

The Freshers’ Bash took place on March 22, 2019 in the evening, an annual event meant to welcome first years.

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